Since 1997

Jamia’s Ahmad Garib Unani Medical College is a unique college of its kind in the State of Maharashtra. The College conducts course of KAMIL-E-TIB-O-JARAHAT (Bachelor o f Unani Medicine and Surgery) B.U.M.S. according to the curriculum and syllabus as prescribed by the Central Council of Indian Medicine, (CCIM) New Delhi.

It was established in 1997 with the aim of popularizing the education and science of Indian System of Medicine. This College is recognized by Central Council of Indian Medicine, New Delhi and Government of Maharashtra as well as affiliated to the Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik.

The Aims & Objects of the college

  • Educate and qualify competent Unani Physicians with extensive knowledge of fundamental theories and basic principles of Unani System of Medicine.
  • To acquire expertise in Western medical applications in Physiology, Pharmacology, Pathology, Social and Preventive medicine, Forensic Medicine and Surgery to.
  • Competently address all kinds of medical and surgical cases.

Thus they will, Insha Allah, become competent to serve in the medical and health services of the country.